10 ways to Connect with Your Students in Home Tutoring

10 ways to connect with your students in home tutoring (1)

Home tuitions can be fun and rewarding 

You may have heard the phrase “teaching is an art.” This is true. 

There are many ways to teach, and it’s important to find the method that works best for you.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating for using any old method of teaching. Choosing a method that doesn’t work for you is like going on a diet without first learning how to eat right. It’s just plain stupid.

But there are some things you need to consider when choosing your teaching method as a home tutor:

How much time do you have?

 How much does this teach you? 

Are there any other resources available that might help you? 

Do you have access to equipment such as videos or props? 

Are there any tools or software that can help make the topics for the kids easier to understand?

But besides all these, something that students look forward to is having a fun session with the home tutors. 

Why make home tutoring fun? 

Online tutors are an increasingly popular way for students to work with a tutor. While some students are hesitant, because they can’t feel the person’s presence or only see one side of themselves, others want to take advantage of all the benefits that technology offers. Home Tutoring in your home provides you with the opportunity to spend time with your student as well as give them more personal attention than in any other learning environment. 

Here are 10 simple ways that you can use to connect with your students over the internet.

Give your students choices

The best way to make sure that your child gets the most out of their home tutoring experience is to ensure that they are given choices. While it may be tempting to simply order them around and tell them what they have to do, this is not the best way to go about it. Instead, you should offer your students a selection of different lessons and let them choose the ones that interest them most.

Home tutors should use computer software, videos, or props to make concepts clear. 

Tutors should use computer software, videos, or props to make concepts clear. The computer software will help the student understand what he is learning in a better way. Videos can also be used to explain things in detail.

For example, in a lesson on the phases of the moon, a home tutor could use images of the phases of the moon to demonstrate concepts. 

If there are no videos available then a simple example should be provided so that the student can understand the concept clearly.

The home tutor should also use language which is easy for the students to understand. 

Home tutors should be patient and non-judgemental.

Home tutors should be able to understand the child’s level of understanding and work on that level. They should not expect children to understand too much too soon.

Home tutors should also be positive when working with children who are learning at different levels. For example, a child who understands only some basic concepts may have difficulty in learning about more difficult topics, but the home tutor may help him or her overcome this by showing patience and taking things slowly.

Use humor to make the tutoring session fun and enjoyable for both the student and you.

By making lessons fun, home tutors make lessons easy to learn, retain information longer and have a better understanding of the topics as a whole. To make lessons fun and enjoyable, a home tutor can do a variety of things. For example, at the end of each lesson, they can ask if anyone has any questions or comments before going on to the next topic. This allows students to feel like their input matters and that they have something valuable to say. It also gives them a chance to practice speaking up in class without feeling embarrassed or unprepared.

Another way that home tutors can make lessons fun and enjoyable is by creating a game or activity that involves both teaching and learning together. For example, instead of giving homework assignments during class time, they could instead organize a challenge where students have to complete certain tasks as part of their homework assignment in order to win points towards something else (like having lunch with them).

Home tutors should use body language that conveys calmness, warmth, positivity, and openness.

The first thing I want to stress is that home tutors must use body language that conveys calmness, warmth, positivity, and openness. If a student feels at ease when they are around their tutor, then they can learn more effectively.

Of course,  it’s important to be friendly and engaging with students. But there’s also this thing called “empathy”, where you try to understand what the student is feeling and thinking so you can communicate your understanding in a way that helps them feel understood.

Make an effort to understand their life outside of tutoring.

Home tutors should make an effort to understand their life outside of tutoring. They should be able to communicate with their students and be able to discuss anything that they want. If a student is having problems in school, it is important that the home tutor has the ability to help them understand why they are having trouble with schoolwork and how they can fix these problems. Home tutors should also be able to provide support when it comes to resources that are available for students.

Connect with them on social media.

Home tutors should connect with the students on social media, like Facebook or Twitter, to create a more personal relationship and engage in a meaningful dialogue.

Social media can be used to build rapport and establish trust with students, who may feel intimidated by an adult who they don’t know.

Ask about the student’s performance in school. 

Ask about their school work, especially if the subject you’re teaching is related to what they’re learning at school or college. A good tutor will be able to identify any gaps in the student’s knowledge and help them fill them.

The first thing they should do is talk about the student’s achievement at school or college. If they are already struggling with a subject and their tutor can’t help, it would be better for them to leave that subject at school or college and move on to one where they are doing well.

Compliment their achievements, even small ones.

It is important for the home tutor to praise a student’s effort and hard work instead of just comparing them to others or showing off their own knowledge. When a student receives praise from someone else, it makes them feel good about themselves and it gives them confidence in their abilities. It makes them want to try harder next time around because they know that someone cares about what happens with them and their future success!

Talk about child’s interest 

Don’t just ask the student if they have any other interests. Ask them what their other interests are. Ask them what they like doing outside of school, and if there’s anything else they would like to learn or do.

The best way to find out about the students’ outside interests is through conversation with them. Most students will be happy to talk about themselves and their hobbies, but it is important to remember that they may not feel comfortable talking about certain topics in front of someone else. If you are interested in learning more about their other interests, you could always ask at a later time when they feel more comfortable sharing what’s on their mind.

Have you ever tried to find out how confident your student is during this pandemic time? Or is social distancing hampering your child’s progress or habits somewhere? Here’s how to motivate kids during pandemic.


Besides all these roadways, you can use your creativity and personalize your ways of teaching. 

To start your journey as a home tutor, join TheTuitionTeacher.com, where you can teach students from pre-nursery to students preparing for competitive exams. We have 500+ open home tuition jobs in Lucknow for all classes and subjects.