Your income as a home tutor depends on various number of factors, including geographic location, your experience and qualification, the number of subjects you opt, the number of hours you are spending teaching, the number of students you teach and the number/level of academic subjects. On an average our premium teachers make between 8K to 30K per month.
We have a number of students and parents who are looking for the perfect home tutor for them and they are constantly using our service. As a premium member, you will be provided with the high-quality tuition jobs and we will connect you with more students/parents for a trial class, but we do not guarantee that you will get the tuitions. This will totally depend upon your profile, your performance in a trial class, teaching ability and skills.
Yes, you would need to subscribe for a Premium Membership plan in order to go for teaching.
You can easily sign-up as a home tutor in just a few easy steps:
You can find students for home tuition just by signing up as a teacher at TheTuitionTeacher & then taking the premium membership and after that you may apply to the tuition jobs matching your profile.
You can search for the latest tuition jobs here and start applying on the jobs that fit your skills, favourable location, class and subjects.
Awesome! You have taken the first step towards growing your career as a home tutor. Next step is to complete your profile and get it approved by our team. Once your profile gets approved, you can start applying on the jobs that match with your class and subject preference. However, in order to go for the trial class and start tutoring, you need to upgrade to premium membership.
Premium Membership helps you in improving your profile visibility, connect with more students and get a higher number of tuition jobs. Call us at 8573-999-666 to upgrade your membership now. Click here to know how it works for tutors.
Yes, the online tutor registration is absolutely free of cost.
Click here to register as a home tutor and start applying on the home tuition jobs that best match your skill, favourable location, class and subjects.