Part time Tuition Jobs / Teaching Jobs in Lucknow

part time tuition jobs in lucknow

Part-time teaching jobs in Lucknow can be a great way for educators to supplement their income or for individuals looking to enter the teaching field to gain experience. The city of Lucknow, is home to a number of educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and universities, making it a good place to find part-time teaching opportunities.

One website that can help individuals find part-time teaching jobs in Lucknow is This website connects tutors and students for home tuition and teaching jobs in a variety of subjects, including math, science, English, and more. Tutors can create a profile on the website and start applying for available tuition jobs in their area.

In addition to home tuition jobs, also offers part-time and full-time teaching jobs at schools and colleges in Lucknow. These jobs may include teaching primary or secondary school students, as well as college students. Tutors can search for jobs based on their location, subject expertise, and availability.

One advantage of using to find part-time teaching jobs in Lucknow is the convenience of being able to apply for jobs and communicate with potential employers. The website also offers a secure payment system for tutors and students, making it easy to receive and pay for services.

Aside from using websites like, there are several other ways to find part-time teaching jobs in Lucknow. These include:

  1. Networking: It can be helpful to reach out to your professional network, including current or former colleagues, to ask if they know of any part-time teaching opportunities in the area.
  2. Applying directly to schools and colleges: Many educational institutions in Lucknow have part-time teaching positions available. You can check their websites or visit the school or college in person to inquire about job openings.
  3. Joining teaching-focused job boards or forums: There are a number of online job boards and forums dedicated to education jobs, including part-time teaching positions. These can be a good place to search for and apply to jobs.

Part-time teaching jobs in Lucknow can be a flexible and rewarding way to work in the education field. By using websites like and other job search strategies, you can find the right part-time teaching opportunity for you.